Medverkande #3

Kristin Bolstad (1981) is a Norwegian composer, vocalist and improviser working with site-specific projects, music and sound effects for silent film, and commissions for a vary of ensembles. Her music is often conceptual and poetic, seeking the beauty and simple as well as performative elements, humour and the playful. She has a great fascination for sound and acoustics and like to explore music and sound in unique venues and spaces.

Pia Hansen is a poet, vocalist, artist and community worker who uses vocal loops and poetry to create music and art work. She offers workshops on collaborative vocal improv and voice work to support wellbeing. Her ancestors are Finnish and Danish and she moved to Finland in 2020 with her small family to return to the land of her family and ancestors. Her background includes many decades of singing, training in voice and well being work and an extensive professional background in the homelessness sector. 

IG: hums_of_the_heart 

Maija Hansen is an artist and craftswoman who loves working with her hands. She has been exploring various art modalities over the past 20 years and specialises in using water colours, acrylics, textiles and alcohol inks. Maija has spent most of her life a nomad, leaving Finland in her late twenties and living across Europe and Africa.

As the next chapter in her lifelong journey, she returned to her roots in Finland in summer 2023.  

IG: taidemummi_creations

Tuomo Häikiö (s. 1977) toimii Turussa psykologian yliopistonlehtorina. Työajan ulkopuolella Tuomo kirjoittaa runoja ja proosaa sekä tekee musiikkia. Taiteessaan Tuomo käyttää kokeellisia menetelmiä ja luottaa vahvasti sattumaan, jolloin taideteos johdattaa tekijää haluamaansa suuntaan. Yllättävistä onnenkantamoisista seuraa usein väkevimmät teokset. Tuomo on julkaissut kaksi runokirjaa, Nämä ovat meidän temppelimme (2017) ja Valon iskulauseita (2020), ja työstää parhaillaan kolmatta. 




Mette Norrie Visual artist and literary writer based in Copenhagen, DK. In her artistic practice she often works in the intersection between abstract drawing and visual poetry and includes elements from cartography and graphs, blending them into new forms.

She runs the micro press September Press where she publishes her zines and artbooks in limited editions. As a literary writer she has published two books of prose and contributed to several Nordic literary journals.  IG: norrieart

Signe Fuglesteg Luksengard (1990) is a Norwegian visual storyteller working with photography, film, installations, and writing. She grew up in a small village close to the mountains of southern Norway but is now based in Oslo. Today she works with long-time personal projects as well as work for magazines, newspapers, artists, and others. In her personal works she is curious on the issue of home and the sense of belonging.

Jag heter Agnes Nycander, är skribent och konstnär och arbetar med det som faller mig in. Jag vill skildra det som kommer i min väg, gärna närgånget, och oavsett om det är vad som händer på TV eller om det är marken jag går på, och oavsett om mina skildringar sker genom text eller bild. Jag är utbildad på bland annat Munka Fotoskola och Biskops Arnö Författarskola. Bor i Göteborg. 

 Ingrid Stenlund f. 1997 i Eskilstuna, är verksam som scenpoet och spoken word-artist, bosatt i Uppsala. Tidigare har hon placerat sig både som tvåa och trea i Svenska Mästerskapen i Poetry Slam. För närvarande arbetar hon med ett tvärkonstligt projekt tillsammans med 

Arvid Stenlund f. 1995, musikproducent och ljudkonstnär. I det aktuella numret finns ett utdrag ur deras gemensamma verk ”Strävar från ordning”, en svävande spoken word-monolog om jakten på kontroll i en hektisk livsstil. Det hela ackompanjeras av ett ljudlandskap som ständigt rör sig närmare bristningsgränsen.